Holiday homes in Jämsä

Jämsä offers plenty of options for holiday homes. You can spend time at a hillside cottage or on the shores of several lakes. You can spend many memorable holidays in Jämsä. You could drive all the way to Lapland, but why would you?

Holiday homes in Jämsä

Jämsä offers plenty of options for holiday homes. You can spend time at a hillside cottage or on the shores of several lakes. You can spend many memorable holidays in Jämsä. You could drive all the way to Lapland, but why would you?

Would you like a holiday home in Jämsä?

The Jämsä area has almost four and a half thousand holiday homes. About four hundred of these are holiday cottages for rent. Around 400 of all the holiday homes are located in the Himos area. There are even more holiday homes in Koskenpää with 550 homes, and Längelmäki has 500 homes as well. A few dozen plots are available in the new Himoslehtelä holiday home area of the City of Jämsä. There are no other city-owned holiday house plots in Jämsä.

Take a holiday in Jämsä, why would you go anywhere else?

The Himos-Jämsä tourist pages feature activities, restaurants, accommodation and attractions. Plan your favourite activities for your holiday!

It is good for the vacationer to know