
The main library is located located in the Forum shopping gallery next to the main square. In addition to the main library, library services are offered at self-service libraries in Jämsänkoski, Länkipohja and Kuorevesi. Welcome!


The main library is located located in the Forum shopping gallery next to the main square. In addition to the main library, library services are offered at self-service libraries in Jämsänkoski, Länkipohja and Kuorevesi. Welcome!

In the heart of the city!

All libraries are open from morning to evening

You can freely access the main library in the morning to evening between 7 AM and 9 AM and at weekends between 7 AM and 5 PM by using your library card and PIN-code.

The libraries in Jämsäkoski, Länkipohja and Kuorevesi are full self-service libraries. They have no employees. You can freely access the libraries any day from morning to evening between 7 AM and 9 PM by using your library card and PIN-code. The library bus services neighbourhoods and the near countryside according to its set schedule, which is only available in Finnish.

The soundproof negotiation cubicle in the main library

The cube has a screen with a USB-interface as well as some charging sockets for your mobile device chargers. You can book a time for it of up to 2 hours during library service hours at the customer service desk. You can also study or use it for working in a silenced space. Booking a time is optional. The silent room is also available for studying.

Feel free to ask more about our services! You can email us or call +358 40 712 2503.

We hope you enjoy your stay in the Jämsä City Library

Risto Heikkinen

Library Services Manager

Keskuskatu 2-4, 42100 Jämsä

Events in library

Only in Finnish

  • Kirjailijavieraana Pirjo Marjut Vega-Brandt

    17:30 18:45

    Keskuskatu 2, 42100 Jämsä

    Pääkirjaston kirjalijavieraana 29.7. klo 17.30-18.45 on Pirjo Marjut Vega-Brandt. Vega-Brandt kertoo uusimmasta kirjastaan Valkohaikara. Haastattelijoina toimivat Tuula Sulin ja Pertti Gyllden. Tilaisuuteen on vapaa pääsy....

  • Digiopastusta pääkirjastossa

    Keskuskatu 2, 42100 Jämsä

    Pääkirjastosta saa digiopastusta 5.8.-9.12. Opastukset ovat maanantaisin klo 14.30-16 pääkirjaston hiljaisessa huoneessa.Vertaisopastajat auttavat älypuhelimen, tabletin ja tietokoneen käytössä. Opastus on kaikille avoin ja...

  • Matka Helsingin kirjamessuille lauantaina 26.10.

    Keskuskatu 2, 42100 Jämsä

    Kirjasto järjestää matkan Helsingin kirjamessuille lauantaina 26. lokakuuta. Sitova ilmoittautuminen alkaa torstaina 12.9. ja päättyy keskiviikkona 9.10. Hinta 50 euroa sisältää lipun ja matkan. Matka toteutuu, jos...