Business premises
You can find available business premises in Jämsä in the directory. Find facilities that meet the needs of your company and contact the owner! You can also list an open facility here.
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Search returned 12 results.
New search-
industrial space Juustotie 11, 42100 Jämsä
for rent 1000 €/month
business space Kenraalintie 10 A 1, 42300 Jämsänkoski
for rent 1000 €/month
industrial space Hallikatu 2 Jämsä
for rent 2700 €/month
business space Juustotie 11, 42100 Jämsä
for rent 278000 €
industrial space Koulutie 19, 42300 Jämsänkoski
for rent
industrial space Koulutie 19, 42300 Jämsänkoski
for rent
office space Paattilantie 2
for rent 587 €/month
business space Jämsänkoskentie 25
for rent
business space Säterintie 4
for sale
office space Paattilantie 2
for rent 332.30 €/month
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